Thursday, January 24, 2013

100 Million Gold

For those of you who have been following my blog, you'll notice that I have never had a huge amount of gold to play around with.  All of the markets that I have been playing are very low end, which can result in some insanely high profit margins but the overall net gain of a transaction is mere pennies compared to what some Diablo 3 RMAH traders are doing.

Last week, I hit a milestone that I was pretty proud of...100,000,000 gold!  If you think about it, 100 million gold is only worth $25 in real money at the current rate of $0.25 / 1,000,000.  It's not a lot, but considering that using that 100 million gold I have cashed out around $75 dollars in a week and still have a running balance of between 80 million and 100 million gold every time I log in to the game, that 100 million gold is valuable capital for my Diablo 3 business.

It's also nice to know that I've never invested any cash into Diablo 3, other than the initial purchase of the game and purchasing guides from Diablo 3 Gold Secrets and Gimmic Gaming, and built up my bankroll from scratch.

When you have a "bankroll" to work with on the gold auction house in Diablo 3, there is really no reason to leave a balance sitting in your account.  Make your money work for you by investing it each time you log in.  I make most of my money by bidding on items and then listing them for a higher buy out.  Each time I log in, I find items to bid on with whatever gold balance that I have on my account.  Because I log in before work and before going to bed, while I'm not logged in to the game my auctions are selling and my bids are buying the items that I will re-list later.

It's a bit depressing seeing a balance of just over 1,000 gold after having 3 more digits just a few minutes prior, but I know that all of the gold that I used to bid on items is worth more than the 100,000,000 that I had before I bid on those items.

Keep grinding away while we wait for patch 1.0.7!  If you would like to receive an e-mail update about my upcoming dueling leagues/tournaments, sign up for my e-mail list under the big red arrow.



1 comment:

  1. Keep grinding away while we wait for patch 1.0.7! If you would like to receive an e-mail update about my upcoming dueling leagues/tournaments, sign up for my e-mail list under the big red arrow.
